Spray vs Hand

We are often asked by our customers which method of application we prefer. To be put simply they both offer completely different benefits. Every customer is explained the difference between each method so an educated decision can be made. When it comes to residential driveways, I strongly recommend a hand application; however with commercial properties the most popular choice of our clients is the spray method. The following is an explanation of the two methods that can be used.SPRAY: The most i...

Pavement Maintenance

As soon as freshly laid hot asphalt begins to cool, the aging process begins. From that moment on, asphalt is broken down by oil, gas, sun oxidation, salt, water penetration, and cold weather. Refer to the following tips when making decisions regarding preventative maintenance on your parking lot(s): Carefully inspect your pavement on a regular basis for cracks, fading pavement markings, and other signs of failure or liability issues Sealcoating a parking lot helps to slow pavement deterio...

ADA Compliance

Maintaining ADA Compliance and Keeping Customers Safe The top priority of a property owner is to ensure the safety of its guests and that pavement is compliant with ADA standards. Fix trip hazards and cracks When pavement becomes uneven, begins to crack, or has potholes form the risk level for your customers or residents increases. A simple inspection from one of our trained professionals can help reduce the likelihood of an expensive slip and fall injury from occurring. Crack filling and asp...